We are YIS Servitude Inc.
YIS stands for Yah is Salvation.

We at YIS Servitude would like to provide an update to all concerned as to the hiatus we took in regard to putting out new content and releasing When the Perfect Comes Part II. We are children of the Most High and we truly lean on Him for our instruction and guidance. Therefore when the Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth, revealed that we were the true children of Israel, we like most, did not know how to process the information.
However, our Father told us to sit still and allow Him to teach us. By His grace and mercy He has shown us how to live the scriptures rather than simply reading them. Through this blessed process we’ve learned the truth of who our Elohim (God) is, and who we truly are to Him as His chosen people. He’s revealed to us that we are not African or American, but Israelites; and this is why our people are oppressed, not only in this country, but throughout the four corners of the world.
Moving forward, we choose to honor the Father by believing His truth, rather than the lies our people were brainwashed with. We will live Set Apart lives while obeying His laws, statues, and commandments. He gave us a vision to spread the truth of who we (the Negro people) are to any who will hear by word of mouth, books, movies, podcasts, etc. We will not allow Satan’s religions or anybody’s personal feelings to deter us from the mission.
As the scriptures say, let Yahuah be true and every man a liar!

Hi Family,
YIS Servitude would like to let you know about our new book, “When the Perfect Comes Part 1: The Spirit.” As Israelites, we MUST support each other because as the scriptures say, “We are hated by all nations.” Matthew 24:9 This world is against us and we have to unite as a community. Just as we desire your support, we also love to support our fellow Israelite men and women who have businesses.
In Part 1, there will be certain names like Jesus, but don’t let that deter you as Part II: The Truth will be released soon. So go ahead and click order my book above while it’s on sale, click below to give a donation, or email us at admin@yisservitudeinc.org with your name and address if you can’t afford it, as we want to bless our brothers and sisters. Prepare yourselves as this is a time of the great awakening to the truth.
We at YIS would love for our brothers and sisters to purchase as many books as possible, but even if you’re not a reader we can still use your donations. Our ministry is determined to build a homeless shelter in our city for our people, the Israelites, and this is just the beginning of many ways in which the money we assemble will go towards the empowerment of our people.
Therefore, DONATE today and help us on our quest to live out Isaiah 58, and feed our Father’s Sheep! We love you and Shalom.