The Truth Seekers Chronicles
Where Only the Truth is Told and Lies are EXPOSED!!!
Shalom and welcome to The Truth Seekers Chronicles!
For far too long the world/Satan has gone about deceiving many (Revelation 12:9).
The Most High has caused His people after many years of punishment due to breaking the covenant, to start waking up to His truth. My husband and I are no longer friends of the world (James 4:4), as the Most High has called and set us apart to Him (John 17:19). No more do we believe what the world has told, is telling, or will tell. We understand many of our brothers and sisters have been blinded or brainwashed as we once were (Romans 11:8).
We now know who we are (Israelites better known as Yisraelites), whose we are (The Most High’s treasured possession, Deuteronomy 7:6), and who our enemies are (the world, 1 John 2:15). We are not part of any religion or cult. We are of the bloodline of Judah better known as Yahuda, which is one of the twelve tribes that were scattered to the 4 corners (Isaiah 11:12). We are part of the remnant who know who our Elohim is, we have ears to hear, and praise our Elohim in the land of our captivity (USA) and think upon His name (Baruch 2:31-32).
These below scriptures will be the ESSENCE of The Truth Seekers Chronicles